【PJCS2023】ポケモンジャパンチャンピオンシップス2023 ポケモンユナイト部門
『ポケモンユナイト』Mirrativ カップ|WCS2023 日本予選
2023年8⽉に横浜で⾏われる「ポケモンWCS2023」の出場権をかけた5月予選⼤会が開幕!『ポケモンユナイト』Mirrativ カップ|WCS2023 日本予選 は、Mirrativ の協力のもと行…
『ポケモンユナイト』WCS2023 日本予選 5月大会 DAY2
2023年8月に日本・横浜で開催されるポケモンの世界大会、ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス2023『ポケモンユナイト』部門の出場権を競う予選大会を開催!5月大会 Day2…
【公式大会】『ポケモンユナイト』ファミ通 カップ|WCS2023 日本予選
2023年8⽉に横浜で⾏われる「ポケモンWCS2023」の出場権をかけた5月予選⼤会が開幕!『ポケモンユナイト』ファミ通 カップ|WCS2023 日本予選 は、ファミ通 の協力のもと行…
『ポケモンユナイト』WCS2023 日本予選 4月大会 DAY2
2023年8月に日本・横浜で開催されるポケモンの世界大会、ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス2023『ポケモンユナイト』部門の出場権を競う予選大会を開催!4月大会 Day2…
『ポケモンユナイト』 Google Play カップ |WCS2023 日本予選
2023年8⽉に横浜で⾏われる「ポケモンWCS2023」の出場権をかけた予選⼤会がついに開幕!Google Play カップは、Google Play さんのご協力のもと行われる予選大会です。この…
「Pokémon UNITE」 WCS2023 한국 예선 5월 대회 DAY2
2023년 8월에 일본 요코하마에서 열리는 포켓몬 세계 대회, 포켓몬 월드챔피언십2023 「Pokémon UNITE」 부문 출전권을 건 예선 대회가 개최됩니다!5월 대회 Day2의 현장을…
「Pokémon UNITE」 WCS2023 한국 예선 4월 대회 DAY2
2023년 8월에 일본 요코하마에서 열리는 포켓몬 세계 대회, 포켓몬 월드챔피언십2023 「Pokémon UNITE」 부문 출전권을 건 예선 대회가 개최됩니다!4월 대회 Day2의 현장을…
Oceania Regional Finals Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the Oceania Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Yesterday, the region’s Top 16 teams entered the group stage. Only …
Oceania Regional Finals Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the Oceania Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the region’s Top 16 teams began by battling in 4 groups of 4…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 Regional Playoffs | APAC East
We will be live streaming the Regional Playoffs, where participants will compete for a spot in the Pokémon World Championships 2023 “Pokémon UNITE” division,…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 Regional Playoffs | APAC East
We will be live streaming the Regional Playoffs, where participants will compete for a spot in the Pokémon World Championships 2023 “Pokémon UNITE” division,…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 May Tournament Day 2 | APAC East
The Pokémon World Championship, Pokémon WCS 2023, Pokémon UNITE category qualifiers will be held in Yokohama, Japan, in August 2023!Day 2 of the May Tourname…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 Regional Playoffs | APAC West
We will be live streaming the Regional Playoffs, where participants will compete for a spot in the Pokémon World Championships 2023 “Pokémon UNITE” division,…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 May Tournament Day 2 | APAC West
The Pokémon World Championship, Pokémon WCS 2023, Pokémon UNITE category qualifiers will be held in Yokohama, Japan, in August 2023!Day 2 of the May Tourname…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 April Tournament Day 2 | APAC West
The Pokémon World Championship, Pokémon WCS 2023, Pokémon UNITE category qualifiers will be held in Yokohama, Japan, in August 2023!Day 2 of the April Tourna…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 Regional Playoffs | India
We will be live streaming the Regional Playoffs, where participants will compete for a spot in the Pokémon World Championships 2023 “Pokémon UNITE” division,…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 May Tournament Day 2 | India
The Pokémon World Championship, Pokémon WCS 2023, Pokémon UNITE category qualifiers will be held in Yokohama, Japan, in August 2023!Day 2 of the May Tourname…
[EN] WCS Pokémon UNITE 2023 April Tournament Day 2 | India
The Pokémon World Championship, Pokémon WCS 2023, Pokémon UNITE category qualifiers will be held in Yokohama, Japan, in August 2023!Day 2 of the April Tourna…
EU Regional Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the EU Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Yesterday, the region’s Top 16 teams entered the group stage. Only 8 adv…
NA Regional Finals at NAIC Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the NA Regional Finals at NAIC! Over the past several weeks, teams in the NA region battled to earn spots in the Top 8 in order to compet…
NA Regional Finals at NAIC Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the NA Regional Finals at NAIC! Throughout June, Pokémon UNITE teams from the NA region battled through a huge open bracket followed by a…
NA Regional Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the group stage of the NA Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams from the Regional Championships will c…
EU & NA May Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA May Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 8 teams in each region compete for Championship Points toward qual…
EU & NA April Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA April Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 8 teams in each region compete for Championship Points toward qu…
Aeos Cup
EU Aeos Cup Finals at EUIC Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the EU Aeos Cup Finals at EUIC! Over the past several weeks, teams in the EU region battled to earn spots in the Top 8 in order to compet…
EU Aeos Cup Finals at EUIC Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the EU Aeos Cup Finals at EUIC! Throughout March and April, Pokémon UNITE teams from the EU region battled through a huge open bracket fo…
EU Aeos Cup Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the group stage of the EU Aeos Cup Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams from the Aeos Cup will compete in 4 gr…
NA Aeos Cup Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the NA Aeos Cup Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Yesterday, the region’s Top 16 teams entered the group stage. Only 8 adv…
EU & NA March Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA March Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 8 teams in each region compete for Championship Points toward qu…
EU & NA February Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA February Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 8 teams in each region compete for Championship Points toward…
地域代表決定戦 DAY 2 – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 地域代表決定戦を開催!今回は地域代表決定戦 オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チーム、5月決勝…
地域代表決定戦 DAY 1 – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 地域代表決定戦を開催!今回は地域代表決定戦 オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チーム、5月決勝…
マンスリーカップ5月大会 決勝トーナメント – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2…
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 の出場権を競うマンスリーカップを開催!今回は5月オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チームと、4…
エオスカップ DAY 2 – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 エオスカップを開催!今回はエオスカップ オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チームと、3月決勝ト…
エオスカップ DAY 1 – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 エオスカップを開催!今回はエオスカップ オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チームと、3月決勝ト…
マンスリーカップ3月大会 決勝トーナメント – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2…
『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2022 の出場権を競うマンスリーカップを開催!今回は3月オープントーナメントを勝ち上がった上位12チームと、2…
マンスリーカップ2月大会 決勝トーナメント – 『ポケモンユナイト』ワールドチャンピオンシップスシーズン2…
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 지역 대표 결정전 2일차
한국 지역 대표 결정전 2일차 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 지역 대표 결정전 2일차에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘, 한국 지역 최…
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 지역 대표 결정전 1일차
한국 지역 대표 결정전 1일차 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 지역 대표 결정전 1일차에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘, 한국 지역 최…
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 5월 컵 결승 토너먼트
한국 5월 컵 결승 토너먼트 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 5월 컵 결승 토너먼트에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘 한국 최고의 팀들…
포켓몬 공식 채널 Pokémon Korea, Inc.4月(エオスカップ)
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 에오스 컵 2일차
한국 에오스 컵 2일차 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 에오스 컵 2일차에 오신 것을 환영합니다!치열한 1일차 조별 리그에서 살아…
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 에오스 컵 1일차
한국 에오스 컵 1일차 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 에오스 컵 1일차에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘, 한국 지역 최고의 팀들이 챔…
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 3월 컵 결승 토너먼트
한국 3월 컵 결승 토너먼트 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 3월 컵 결승 토너먼트에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘 한국 지역의 상위 …
[공식]「Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아」 2월 컵 결승 토너먼트
한국 2월 컵 결승 토너먼트 | Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 Pokémon UNITE 챔피언십 시리즈 코리아 2월 컵 결승 토너먼트에 오신 것을 환영합니다!오늘 한국 지역의 상위…
OCE & APAC Regional Finals Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the OCE & APAC Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Each remaining team fought hard to make it to today’s competitio…
OCE & APAC Regional Finals Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the OCE & APAC Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, these regions’ top Championship Point earners, plus the b…
OCE & APAC Aeos Cup Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the OCE & APAC Aeos Cup in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Each remaining team fought hard to make it to today’s competition and s…
OCE & APAC Aeos Cup Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the OCE & APAC Aeos Cup in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams in each region compete for Championship Points …
Finales regionales día 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos a las finales de América central, México y sureste de Sudamérica día 2 en la serie por el campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Cada equipo que sigue en …
Finales regionales día 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos a las finales de América central, México y sureste de Sudamérica en la serie por el campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Hoy, los mejores 12 equipos de …
Finales de mayo en América central, México y Sudamérica Oeste | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos a las finales de mayo de América Central, México, América del Sur-Oeste de la serie de campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Hoy, los 16 mejores equipos …
Copa Aeos día 2 en América central, México y Oeste de Sudamérica | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos al Día 2 de la Copa Aeos en América Central, México y Oeste de Sudamérica de la Serie por el Campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Cada equipo restante l…
Copa Aeos día 1 en América central, México y Oeste de Sudamérica | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos al Día 1 de la Copa Aeos en América Central, México y Oeste de Sudamérica de la Serie por el Campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Hoy, los 16 mejores eq…
Finales de marzo en América central, México y Sudamérica Oeste | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
¡Bienvenidos a las finales de América central, México y Sudamérica Oeste en la serie por el campeonato de Pokémon UNITE! Hoy, los mejores 16 equipos de cada …
América do Sul-Leste Finais Regionais Dia 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem vindos ao Dia 2 das Finais Regionais da América do Sul – Leste da Série de Campeonatos de Pokémon UNITE! Cada uma das equipes restantes devem batalhar mu…
América do Sul-Leste Finais Regionais Dia 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem vindos ao Dia 1 das Finais Regionais da América do Sul – Leste da Série de Campeonatos de Pokémon UNITE! Hoje, as Top 12 equipes do LCQ das Finais Region…
Finais de maio da América do Sul-Leste | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem vindos às finais de maio da América do Sul-Leste do Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Hoje, os Top 16 times da região competem por Pontos de Campeonato….
América do Sul – Leste Copa Aeos Dia 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem vindos ao Dia 2 da Copa Aeos da América do Sul – Leste no Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Cada um dos times restantes deverá dar a vida para se sair b…
América do Sul – Leste Copa Aeos Dia 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem vindos ao Dia 1 da Copa Aeos da América do Sul – Leste no Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Hoje, os 16 melhores times da região competem por Pontos de …
Finais de Março da América do Sul-Leste | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem-vindos às Finais de Março da América do Sul – Leste do Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Hoje os Top 16 times da região competem por Pontos de Campeonat…
LATAM Finais de Fevereiro | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Bem-vindos as Finais de Fevereiro LATAM da série de campeonatos de Pokémon UNITE! Hoje os 16 melhores times da região competem por Pontos de Campeonato e dir…
EU & NA Regional Finals Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the EU & NA Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Each remaining team fought hard to make it to today’s competition a…
EU & NA Regional Finals Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the EU & NA Regional Finals in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, these regions’ Top 12 teams from the Regional Finals LCQ, To…
EU & NA May Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA May Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams in each region compete for Championship Points. The more …
EU & NA Aeos Cup Day 2 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 2 of the EU & NA Aeos Cup in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Each remaining team fought hard to make it to today’s competition and secu…
EU & NA Aeos Cup Day 1 | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to Day 1 of the EU & NA Aeos Cup in the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams in the region compete for Championship Points and …
EU & NA March Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA March Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams in each region compete for Championship Points. The mor…
EU & NA February Finals | Pokémon UNITE Championship Series
Welcome to the EU & NA February Finals of the Pokémon UNITE Championship Series! Today, the Top 16 teams in the region compete for Championship Points and br…